[ ] A book with more than 700 pages
[ ] A classic romance
[ ] A book that got turned into a movie
[ ] A book that was published this year (2024)
[ ] A book with a number on the title
[ ] A book with a color on the title
[ ] A book with non-human caractheres
[ ] A one word book title
[ ] A book writen by someone with the same initials as me
[ ] A play
[ ] A book that got turned into a series (TV)
[ ] A book with a part of the body on the title
[ ] A book with a piece of clothing on the title
[ ] A book based on a real story
[ ] A book with antonyms on the title
[ ] A book that was released the year you were born
[ ] A book with negative reviews
[ ] A book by a autor i have never read before
[ ] Finish a book that i DNF’d
[ ] A book with a name on the title
[ ] A biography/memoir
[ ] A book with a bird on the cover
[ ] A book with a flower on the cover
[ ] A book that is set on the medieval times
[ ] A book that is set on the future
[ ] A book that is a collection of short stories
[ ] A book that is out of your confort zone